Sensitive Teeth No More: Easy Home Remedies That Work Wonders

in Feb 13, 2024

Do you feel a sharp pain or discomfort when you eat or drink something hot, cold, sweet, or sour? If so, you may have sensitive teeth, a common dental problem that affects millions of people. Sensitive teeth can make your daily life miserable and prevent you from enjoying your favorite foods and beverages.

But don’t worry, you don’t have to suffer in silence. There are many easy and effective home remedies that can help you relieve the pain and improve your oral health. In this article, we will share with you some of the best natural ways to cure sensitive teeth at home. You will also learn about the causes and prevention of tooth sensitivity, and how to maintain good oral hygiene practices for sensitive teeth.

Key Takeaways

  • Sensitive teeth, or dentin hypersensitivity, occur when the protective layer of enamel wears away, exposing the underlying dentin and causing pain.
  • Quick home remedies for immediate relief include salt water rinse, hydrogen peroxide, honey and warm water, and clove oil.
  • Natural remedies for sensitive teeth include clove oil, honey, and turmeric, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.
  • Dietary adjustments and good oral hygiene practices, such as avoiding acidic and sugary foods, brushing gently, and using fluoride toothpaste, can help manage tooth sensitivity.

What Causes Sensitive Teeth?

Sensitive teeth, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, occur when the protective layer of enamel on your teeth wears away, exposing the underlying dentin. Dentin is a porous layer that contains tiny tubules that connect to the nerve endings in the pulp of your tooth. When these tubules are exposed to external stimuli, such as temperature, pressure, or acidity, they transmit pain signals to the nerve, causing sensitivity.

There are many factors that can cause enamel erosion and dentin exposure, such as:

  • Brushing your teeth too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth, especially at night
  • Eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, soda, wine, or vinegar
  • Having cavities, cracked or chipped teeth, or worn-down fillings or crowns
  • Having gum disease or receding gums that expose the roots of your teeth
  • Having dental procedures, such as teeth whitening, fillings, or root canal treatment

To understand the reasons in detail head over to our blog on causes of sensitive teeth.

Immediate Relief: Quick Home Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Gentle tooth brushing is an effective home remedy for sensitive teeth

If you are looking for some quick and easy ways to stop sensitive teeth pain immediately at home, here are some of the best home remedies for sensitive teeth that you can try:

  • Salt water rinse: Salt is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent that can help reduce bacterial infection and inflammation in your mouth. To use this remedy, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with it for a few seconds. Repeat this twice a day until the pain subsides. Complement this remedy with Perfora’s probiotic mouthwash, the best mouthwash for a long-lasting, refreshing feeling and optimal oral health.
  • Hydrogen peroxide: Hydrogen peroxide is another powerful antiseptic and disinfectant that can help kill harmful bacteria and prevent plaque buildup on your teeth. To use this remedy, mix two teaspoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide with equal parts of water and swish it in your mouth for 30 seconds. Spit it out and rinse your mouth with water. Do this once a day for a week or until the pain goes away.
  • Honey and warm water: Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that can help heal wounds and reduce pain and swelling. To use this remedy, mix a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with it for a few minutes. Do this twice a day until the pain improves.
  • Clove oil: Clove oil is a traditional remedy for toothache that has been used for centuries. It contains a compound called eugenol, which is a natural anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent that can help numb the pain and reduce inflammation. To use this remedy, dilute a few drops of clove oil with a teaspoon of olive oil or coconut oil and apply it to the affected tooth with a cotton ball.

Honey is a natural remedy for sensitive teeth

Natural Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Besides the quick home remedies mentioned above, there are some natural ingredients that can help you cure sensitive teeth home remedies. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic properties that can soothe the nerves and heal the damaged dentin. Some of the most effective natural remedies for sensitive teeth are:

  • Clove oil: As mentioned earlier, clove oil is a potent anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent that can numb the pain and reduce swelling. You can also make a clove paste by grinding a few cloves and mixing them with water. Apply this paste to the affected tooth and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water and repeat this twice a day until the pain subsides.
  • Honey: Honey is a natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent that can help heal wounds and reduce pain and swelling. You can also use honey as a mouthwash by mixing a tablespoon of honey with a glass of warm water and rinsing your mouth with it for a few minutes. Do this twice a day until the pain improves.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that has powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It can help fight infection, inflammation, and oxidative stress in your mouth. To use turmeric for sensitive teeth, make a paste by mixing a teaspoon of turmeric powder with water. Apply this paste to the affected tooth and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse your mouth with water and repeat this once a day until the pain goes away.

Dietary Adjustments for Managing Sensitivity

  • Avoid acidic foods and beverages, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar, soda, wine, and pickles. These foods and drinks can lower the pH of your mouth and dissolve the enamel, exposing the dentin. If you do consume acidic foods and beverages, rinse your mouth with water afterward and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.
  • Avoid sugary foods and beverages, such as candy, chocolate, cookies, cakes, ice cream, and juice. These foods and drinks can feed the bacteria in your mouth and produce acids that can damage the enamel and dentin. If you do consume sugary foods and beverages, rinse your mouth with water afterward and brush your teeth as soon as possible.  For an enhanced cleaning experience, consider using the Perfora Electric Toothbrush, designed to effectively combat plaque and protect your enamel.
  • Avoid hot and cold foods and beverages, such as coffee, tea, soup, ice cream, and cold water. These foods and drinks can trigger pain and discomfort by stimulating the nerve endings in the dentin. If you do consume hot and cold foods and beverages, sip them slowly and avoid contact with the affected tooth.
  • Eat foods that are high in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. These minerals are essential for tooth mineralization and enamel repair. They can also help neutralize the acids in your mouth and prevent enamel erosion.

Sensitivity can also be caused after dental filling, you can read our blog on toothache after dental filling to learn more about it.

Oral Hygiene Practices for Sensitive Teeth

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for preventing and treating sensitive teeth. Poor oral hygiene can lead to plaque buildup, gum disease, tooth decay, and enamel erosion, all of which can cause or worsen tooth sensitivity. Here are some oral hygiene practices for sensitive teeth:

  • Brush your teeth gently but thoroughly twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoride-free toothpaste. Avoid brushing too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush, as this can damage the enamel and gums and expose the dentin.
  • Floss your teeth once a day to remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth. Flossing can help prevent cavities, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity. Use a gentle motion and avoid snapping the floss against your gums, as this can cause bleeding and inflammation.
  • Use a mouthwash that contains fluoride, xylitol, or potassium nitrate. These ingredients can help protect the enamel, prevent plaque and bacteria growth, and block the pain signals from the dentin. Rinse your mouth with mouthwash for 30 seconds after brushing and flossing your teeth. Avoid using mouthwash that contains alcohol, as this can dry out your mouth and irritate your gums.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups and cleanings. Your dentist can examine your teeth and gums and detect any signs of tooth sensitivity, decay, or disease. 

Takeaway Tips

Sensitive teeth can be a painful and frustrating problem that can affect your quality of life. However, by following the home remedies, dietary adjustments, and oral hygiene practices mentioned above, you can reduce the pain and discomfort and improve your oral health. Here are some takeaway tips to remember:

  • Avoid foods and beverages that can trigger or worsen tooth sensitivity, such as acidic, sugary, hot, and cold items.
  • Eat foods and beverages that can help strengthen and protect your teeth, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and fiber-rich items.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a fluoride toothpaste, and floss once a day.
  • Use a mouthwash that contains fluoride, xylitol, or potassium nitrate, and avoid mouthwash that contains alcohol.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for dental checkups and cleanings, and seek professional treatment if your tooth sensitivity persists or worsens.

FAQs on Home Remedies for Sensitive teeth

  1. How do you stop sensitive teeth fast?

    To stop sensitive teeth pain immediately at home, you can try some of the quick home remedies mentioned in the article, such as salt water rinse, hydrogen peroxide, honey and warm water, or clove oil. These remedies can help reduce bacterial infection, inflammation, and pain in your mouth.

  2. Can sensitive teeth be cured?

    Sensitive teeth can be cured by treating the underlying cause of the condition, such as enamel erosion, gum disease, tooth decay, or dental trauma. Depending on the severity and cause of your sensitivity, your dentist may recommend different treatments, such as dental sealants, bonding, or root canal therapy. You can also prevent and treat sensitive teeth by following the home remedies, dietary adjustments, and oral hygiene practices mentioned in the article.

  3. What is the best home remedy for sensitive teeth?

    There is no single best home remedy for sensitive teeth, as different remedies may work better for different people and situations. However, some of the most effective and popular natural remedies for sensitive teeth are clove oil, honey, turmeric, and coconut oil. These ingredients have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and analgesic properties that can soothe the nerves and heal the damaged dentin. You can apply these ingredients to the affected tooth or use them as a mouthwash, as explained in the article.

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