DIY Dental Care: How to Naturally Fight Cavities from Your Home

in Feb 3, 2024

Do you want to have a healthy and beautiful smile without using harsh chemicals or expensive treatments? If so, you are not alone. Many people are looking for natural ways to prevent and heal cavities, one of the most common dental problems in the world. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, are small holes in the teeth that can cause pain, infection, and tooth loss if left untreated. Fortunately, there are many natural dental care tips that can help you avoid cavities and keep your teeth and gums healthy. Follow this article along and you will learn how to fight cavities naturally.

Key Takeaways

  • Cavities are caused by bacteria in the mouth that feed on sugars and starches, leading to the breakdown of tooth enamel and the formation of small holes in the teeth.
  • A healthy diet plays a crucial role in preventing cavities. Avoiding or limiting foods high in sugar and starch, and consuming foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, and fiber can help prevent cavities naturally.
  • Natural and herbal remedies, such as oil pulling, clove, aloe vera, and turmeric, can be used to prevent and treat cavities. However, it's important to consult a dentist before using these remedies.

Following good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing with a natural toothpaste, flossing with a natural floss, and rinsing with a natural mouthwash, is essential for preventing cavities and maintaining oral health.

Understanding Cavities and Natural Oral Health

Cavities are caused by the breakdown of the hard outer layer of your teeth, called enamel, by acids produced by bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria feed on the sugars and starches that you eat and form a sticky film on your teeth, called plaque. Plaque can harden into tartar, a substance that can only be removed by a dentist. Tartar makes it easier for bacteria to stick to your teeth and create more acid. Over time, this acid erodes your enamel and creates small holes, or cavities, in your teeth. If the cavities are not treated, they can reach the inner layer of your teeth, called dentin, and eventually the pulp, which contains nerves and blood vessels. This can cause severe pain, infection, and tooth loss.

Oral health is not only important for your teeth and gums, but also for your overall well-being. Poor oral health can increase your risk of developing other health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory infections, and pregnancy complications. This is because the bacteria that cause cavities can enter your bloodstream and affect other parts of your body. Therefore, taking care of your oral health can help you prevent and manage other diseases and improve your quality of life.

The Role of Diet in Preventing Cavities Naturally

One of the most important factors that can influence your oral health is your diet. What you eat and drink can affect the amount and type of bacteria in your mouth, the acidity of your saliva, and the strength of your enamel. Some foods and drinks can increase your risk of developing cavities, while others can help you prevent them naturally. Here are some dietary tips to keep in mind for natural cavity prevention:

  • Avoid or limit foods and drinks that are high in sugar, such as candy, cookies, cakes, soda, juice, and sports drinks. Sugar is the main food source for the bacteria that cause cavities and can also lower the pH of your saliva, making it more acidic and damaging to your enamel.
  • Avoid or limit foods and drinks that are high in starch, such as bread, pasta, rice, crackers, chips, and cereals. Starch can also be broken down into sugar by the bacteria in your mouth and contribute to plaque formation and acid production.
  • Eat more foods that are rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, such as dairy products, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fish. These nutrients can help you remineralize your enamel, which is the process of restoring the lost minerals in your teeth and making them stronger and more resistant to decay.
  • Eat more foods that are high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains. Fibre can help you clean your teeth by stimulating saliva production and removing food particles and plaque from your teeth.

Natural & Herbal Remedies and Their Effectiveness

Besides your diet, you can also use some natural and herbal remedies to prevent and treat cavities naturally. These remedies can help you kill or inhibit the growth of the bacteria that cause cavities, reduce inflammation and pain, and promote healing. However, keep in mind that these remedies are not substitutes for professional dental care and you should always consult your dentist before using them. Here are some of the most popular natural and herbal remedies for cavities and their effectiveness:

  • Oil pulling: This is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil, such as coconut, sesame, or sunflower oil, in your mouth for 15 to 20 minutes and then spitting it out. Oil pulling can help you remove plaque and bacteria from your teeth and gums, improve your oral hygiene, and prevent cavities. Incorporate Perfora's Vedic Rinse Oil Pulling in your daily routine to enhance this ancient practice with a modern, effective solution designed for optimal oral health.
  • Clove: Clove is a spice that has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. It can help you fight off the bacteria that cause cavities, reduce swelling and pain, and numb your nerves. You can use clove oil, powder, or whole cloves to treat your cavities. You can apply clove oil directly to your affected tooth with a cotton swab, or mix it with water and use it as a mouthwash.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a succulent plant that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing properties. It can help you soothe your gums, kill the bacteria that cause cavities, and promote wound healing. The Aloe Neem Herbal Toothpaste from Perfora incorporates natural extracts like aloe vera, neem, clove, and licorice, known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which are beneficial in cavity prevention.
  • Turmeric: Turmeric is a spice that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It can help you reduce inflammation and pain, fight off the bacteria that cause cavities, and prevent oxidative damage to your teeth and gums. You can use turmeric powder, paste, or oil to treat your cavities. You can brush your teeth with turmeric powder, or make a paste with turmeric and water and apply it to your tooth.

Model Showcasing the perfora’s Vedic Rinse Oil Pulling product with its benefits

Natural Oral Hygiene Practices

The last but not the least natural dental care tip is to follow good oral hygiene practices. Oral hygiene is the practice of keeping your mouth clean and free of disease and infection. Good oral hygiene can help you prevent cavities and other dental problems, as well as improve your appearance and confidence. Here are some natural oral hygiene practices that you can follow to learn how to prevent cavities naturally:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, preferably after every meal, with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a natural toothpaste. Natural toothpastes are made with natural ingredients, such as baking soda, coconut oil, xylitol, and essential oils, that can help you clean your teeth, freshen your breath, and prevent cavities. 
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day, preferably before bedtime, with a natural floss. Natural flosses are made with natural materials, such as silk, bamboo, or cotton, that are biodegradable and eco-friendly. Flossing can help you remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth and gums, where your toothbrush cannot reach, and prevent cavities from spreading.
  • Rinse your mouth with a natural mouthwash after brushing and flossing. Natural mouthwashes are made with natural ingredients, such as salt, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, apple cider vinegar, and herbal extracts, that can help you kill bacteria, balance the pH of your mouth, and prevent cavities.

herbs like Clove, Turmeric and Aloe Vera for cavity free teeth


Cavities are one of the most common dental problems that can affect your oral health and well-being. However, you can prevent and treat cavities naturally by following some simple and effective natural dental care tips. By eating a healthy diet, using natural and herbal remedies, and practising good oral hygiene, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong and enjoy a cavity-free smile.

However, remember that natural dental care tips are not substitutes for professional dental care and you should always consult your dentist before using any natural products or remedies. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your oral health or natural dental care, please contact us at Perfora, the leading dental care company that promotes the use of products that contain no harmful chemicals. We are here to help you achieve your natural dental care goals and improve your smile and confidence. Thank you for reading and we hope you found this article helpful and informative.

FAQs on Natural Ways of preventing cavities

Q: Can you stop a cavity once it starts?

A: It depends on how advanced the cavity is. If it is in the early stage of demineralization, you may be able to stop it and reverse it by improving your oral hygiene, using fluoride products, and eating a healthy diet. However, if the cavity has reached the dentin or the pulp, you will need to see a dentist for professional treatment.

Q: How can I close a cavity at home? 

A: You cannot close a cavity at home by yourself. Only a dentist can fill a cavity with a suitable material and restore the tooth’s function and appearance. Trying to close a cavity at home with temporary filling materials or natural remedies may cause more harm than good and delay proper treatment.

Q: Can a small cavity go away? 

A: A small cavity can go away if it is in the initial stage of demineralization and you take steps to remineralize your tooth enamel. However, if the cavity has progressed beyond the enamel and formed a hole in your tooth, it will not go away on its own and will require dental intervention.

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