Dental Gum Paste 101: What It Is and Why You Need It

in Dec 30, 2023

If you are looking for a natural and effective way to improve your oral health, you might want to try dental gum paste. Dental gum paste is a type of toothpaste that is specially designed to clean and protect your gums. Unlike regular toothpaste, dental gum paste does not contain fluoride, which can be harmful to your enamel and cause dental fluorosis. Instead, dental gum paste contains natural ingredients that can help prevent gum disease, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.

In this blog post, we will explain what dental gum paste is, how it works, and why you need it. We will also introduce you to Perfora, a leading dental brand in India that offers high-quality dental gum paste products. Read on to find out more!

Key Takeaways

  • Dental gum paste is a natural alternative to regular toothpaste that is designed to clean and protect your gums without the harmful effects of fluoride.
  • It contains ingredients like aloe vera, neem, clove, and turmeric, which have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and healing properties.
  • Dental gum paste can prevent gum disease, reduce inflammation, promote healing, and improve your overall oral health and hygiene.
  • Perfora is a leading oral care brand in India that offers high-quality dental gum paste products, including Perfora Dream Protect, which is specially formulated to strengthen gums, reduce inflammation, and provide extra protection and comfort.

What is dental gum paste?

Dental gum paste is a toothpaste that contains active ingredients that target the health of your gums. Unlike regular toothpaste, which mainly focuses on removing plaque and preventing cavities, dental gum paste also helps to reduce gum inflammation, bleeding, and sensitivity. Dental gum paste can also help to prevent and treat gum diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, which are caused by bacterial infection and inflammation of the gums.

Some of the common ingredients that you can find in dental gum paste are:

  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an antioxidant that boosts your immune system and helps your body fight off infections. Vitamin C also promotes collagen production, which is essential for the health and repair of your gums.
  • Zinc Sulphate: Zinc Sulphate is a mineral that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Zinc Sulphate helps to reduce gum swelling, bleeding, and plaque formation. Zinc Sulphate also helps to heal wounds and ulcers in your mouth.
  • Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a plant that has soothing and healing effects on your skin and mucous membranes. Aloe Vera helps to hydrate and nourish your gums, as well as reduce pain and irritation. Aloe Vera also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that prevent infection and bad breath.
  • Rosemary Extract: Rosemary Extract is a herb that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Rosemary Extract helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen delivery to your gums, which enhances their health and function. Rosemary Extract also has a pleasant aroma that freshens your breath.

How does dental gum paste work?

Dental gum paste works by cleaning and protecting your gums from various oral problems. Dental gum paste can help you achieve the following benefits:

  • Prevent gum disease: Gum disease is a common oral condition that affects the tissues that support your teeth. Gum disease can cause symptoms such as redness, swelling, bleeding, and receding of the gums, as well as tooth loss and bone loss. Dental gum paste can help prevent gum disease by removing plaque and tartar from your gums, which are the main causes of gum disease. Dental gum paste can also help prevent gum disease by strengthening your immune system and fighting bacteria and fungi that cause gum infections.
  • Reduce inflammation: Inflammation is a natural response of your body to injury or infection. However, chronic inflammation can be harmful to your health, as it can cause tissue damage and increase the risk of various diseases. Dental gum paste can help reduce inflammation of your gums by soothing and healing your gums, as well as reducing the production of inflammatory chemicals in your body.
  • Promote healing: Healing is the process of repairing and restoring your tissues after injury or infection. Dental gum paste can help promote healing of your gums by stimulating blood circulation and cell regeneration in your gums, as well as providing nutrients and antioxidants to your gums.

Why do you need dental gum paste?

Dental gum paste is beneficial for anyone who wants to improve their oral health and hygiene, especially if you have or are at risk of developing gum problems. Gum problems are very common and can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or lifestyle. Some of the factors that can increase your risk of gum problems are:

  • Poor oral hygiene and habits, such as not brushing or flossing regularly, using tobacco products, or consuming sugary or acidic foods and drinks
  • Hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy, puberty, or menopause, which can affect the blood flow and sensitivity of your gums
  • Medical conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, or immune disorders, which can weaken your body’s ability to fight off infections and inflammation
  • Medications, such as antibiotics, antihistamines, or antidepressants, which can cause dry mouth, reduce saliva production, or alter the balance of bacteria in your mouth
  • Genetics, such as having a family history of gum disease or a predisposition to gum inflammation or bleeding

If left untreated, gum problems can lead to serious complications, such as tooth loss, bone loss, infection, or systemic diseases. Therefore, it is important to take care of your gums and prevent or treat any gum issues as soon as possible. Dental gum paste can help you do that by providing you with a natural and effective solution for your gum health.

Benefits of Perfora Dream Protect dental gum toothpaste along with a smiling girl brushing her teeth

How to get the best results with Perfora’s dental gum paste products?

Dental gum paste is a simple and effective way to improve your oral health and hygiene. However, to get the best results, you need to use the right dental gum paste product for your needs. That’s why we recommend you to try Perfora’s dental gum paste products, which are specially formulated to clean and protect your gums, as well as improve your overall oral health.

If you are looking for a dental gum paste product that can offer you extra protection and comfort, you should try Perfora Dream Protect. Perfora Dream Protect is a gum protection toothpaste that contains active ingredients like Vitamin C and Zinc Sulphate, which are clinically proven to strengthen gums and reduce inflammation. Perfora Dream Protect also contains natural ingredients like Aloe Vera and Rosemary extract, which can help in gum hydration and reducing ulcers.

Perfora Dream Protect is a 100% toxin-free toothpaste that does not contain any harmful chemicals like fluoride, parabens, sulfates, and artificial colors. Perfora Dream Protect is also vegan, cruelty-free, and eco-friendly. Perfora Dream Protect has a refreshing mint flavor and a smooth texture.

Once you buy Perfora Dream Protect online from the website,, here’s how to use Perfora Dream Protect, you just need to follow these simple steps:

  • Wet the brush bristles thoroughly under running water.
  • Apply a pea-sized amount of Perfora Dream Protect on your finger or a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Divide your mouth into four quadrants: upper right, upper left, lower right, and lower left.
  • Start brushing in one quadrant, ensuring to cover all surfaces (outer, inner, and biting surfaces of the teeth).
  • Spend 30 seconds brushing each quadrant, making gentle circular motions on each tooth.
  • Continue this process until you have brushed all four quadrants, totaling 2 minutes of brushing time.
  • Frequency of Brushing: Brush twice daily, once in the morning before breakfast and once at night after dinner.

By using Perfora Dream Protect regularly, you will notice a significant improvement in your gum health and hygiene. You will also experience less pain, bleeding, and sensitivity in your gums. You will also have a more attractive and radiant smile, as well as a better overall health.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is dental gum paste?

Dental gum paste is a paste-like substance that you apply to your gums after brushing your teeth. It contains natural ingredients that are specially designed to clean and protect your gums.

  1. How does dental gum paste work?

Dental gum paste works by cleaning and protecting your gums from various oral problems. It helps prevent gum disease, reduces inflammation, and promotes healing by removing plaque and tartar, fighting bacteria and fungi, and stimulating blood circulation and cell regeneration.

  1. Why do you need dental gum paste?

Dental gum paste is essential for improving your oral health and hygiene. It can prevent and treat gum disease, enhance your smile by preventing dental fluorosis, and enhance your overall health by supporting your immune and digestive systems.

  1. How can you get the best results with Perfora's dental gum paste products?

To get the best results, use Perfora's dental gum paste products, which are specially formulated to clean and protect your gums. Follow the simple steps of applying a pea-sized amount and massaging it on your gums for a minute. Use it twice a day after brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste.

  1. Can dental gum paste replace regular toothpaste?

Yes, dental gum paste can replace regular toothpaste, as it can perform all the functions of regular toothpaste, such as cleaning and whitening your teeth, preventing cavities, and freshening your breath. In fact, dental gum paste can offer more benefits than regular toothpaste, as it can also protect and strengthen your gums, reduce gum inflammation and bleeding, and prevent and treat gum diseases. Dental gum paste can also be more gentle and natural than regular toothpaste, as it does not contain harsh chemicals or artificial ingredients that can harm your teeth and gums.

  1. Is dental gum paste better than dental gel or dental cream?

Yes, dental gum paste is better than dental gel or dental cream, as it has a thicker and more consistent texture that adheres better to your teeth and gums. Dental gum paste also has a higher concentration of active ingredients that can penetrate deeper into your gums and provide more protection and healing. Dental gel or dental cream, on the other hand, has a thinner and more watery texture that can slide off your teeth and gums easily. Dental gel or dental cream also has a lower concentration of active ingredients that can be diluted or washed away by your saliva or water.

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