The most common dental issue that one can face is the building of cavities. Cavities can happen to a child or an adult. It is mostly caused by not taking good care of your teeth proactively and eating a lot of sugary things. Sugar is one such substance which causes most dental problems.
What Are Cavities?
Cavities develop from tooth decay. In layman terms, cavities are holes in your teeth which occur when the acid in the mouth breaks down the enamel of the teeth. Common dental cavities are caused by plaque buildup, eating lots of sugar, and poor oral hygiene. Many cavities usually don’t cause any pain in the beginning, so they start to develop internally. It can be surprising to discover you have a cavity, even with a good oral care routine. Fortunately, cavities can be treated, and new ones can be prevented with preventive care.
Common Causes of Cavities
Dental cavities are caused by a combination of excessive sugar intake, bacterial attack, plaque buildup and poor oral hygiene.

Bacteria: Your mouth has a combination of good and bad bacteria which can play a role in the dental cavity. Bacteria after coming in contact with sugary substances create acid which can damage tooth enamel.
Sugary Food: Foods with excessive sugar substances cause acids which in turn cause cavities.
Poor Oral Hygiene: Without regular brushing or maintaining oral hygiene, you are more likely to develop tooth decay or dental cavities.
Lack of saliva: If your body produces low quantities of saliva, you will end up with dry mouth which can lead to dental cavities.
Snacking: Regular snacking or munching is also among what causes cavities in the mouth. It produces acids which damages your teeth.
Infections: Some underlying dental conditions can also cause dental cavities.
Lifestyle Factors That Contribute to Cavities
Cavities are common dental problems that can occur to anyone from a child to an adult. But what really causes cavities? Lifestyle choices impact a lot of your health right from dental health to others. Here are some lifestyle factors which can act as a cause of cavities-
Poor Diet: Poor diet includes excessive sugar intake, eating junk food, and regular snacking, which adds up and ends up becoming the cause of cavities in the long run. Aerated drinks, cakes and sugary juices damage your teeth very quickly and cause cavities in your teeth.
Not Brushing Regularly: If you do not have a habit of brushing your teeth twice a day then it might affect your teeth and it can be a cause of tooth decay. Regular brushing not only makes you feel fresh but also protects your teeth and removes food debris. Explore our collection of electric toothbrushes for a seamless oral care experience.
Age: Age is a genuine factor in having dental problems. The causes of tooth decay and cavities are higher in aged people. This is because the teeth become weaker with age which leaves them prone to many dental issues.
Smoking: Smoking causes a lot of health issues which also include your oral health. Smoking causes severe tooth stains, gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, chronic bad breath, and even increases the risk of oral cancer.
Low Water Intake: Not drinking enough water can also contribute to causing tooth decay.

Medical Conditions Linked to Cavities
Cavities can occur in anyone’s mouth, right from a child to an aged individual. The usual cause is a lack of oral maintenance. However, there are also cases where you get dental cavities because of some underlying medical conditions.
Acid Reflux: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is when stomach acids move up the oesophagus. The acid caused in your body can move up to your mouth resulting in causing cavities.
Diabetes: If the blood sugar level is not controlled then the excessive sugar in the saliva can cause tooth decay.
Thyroid: Thyroid can also lead to oral health. Thyroid disease like hypothyroidism can cause salivary gland dysfunction leading to dry mouth.
Dry Mouth: Dry mouth is observed when the salivary gland doesn’t produce enough saliva to wash out bad bacteria that can lead to tooth decay or cavities. Learn more about the causes of dry mouth here.
Kidney Issue: Kidney issues weaken the gum; exposing it to severe damage in a very short period.
Heart Issues: Having heart problems can largely affect your gum. Cavities and gum disease result from a bacterial infection in the mouth. These bacteria enter the bloodstream and travel to different parts including the heart, contributing to inflammation and formation of arterial plaques, increasing the risk of heart diseases.
Tips to Prevent Cavities
Cavities are holes created in your teeth due to several dental issues. However, cavities can be prevented with the following-
Maintaining good oral hygiene: With regular maintenance of oral hygiene, you can prevent cavities at the earliest. Brush your teeth regularly, floss and use good mouthwash to keep your oral health spick-and-span.
Good Diet: Maintaining a good and healthy diet such as sugarless drinks, more green veggies and eating food that will strengthen your teeth and help fight tooth decay.
Drink Water: Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated. This will help you in combating dry mouth.
Regular Dental Visit: It is recommended to visit your dentist every 6 months for a preventive dental checkup. You can avoid any cavity buildup with regular dental checkups.
Learn more cavity prevention tips here.
Not maintaining proper dental health causes many oral issues and one such is cavities. To protect your teeth from cavities, you need to regularly brush your teeth, eat a balanced diet, drink plenty of water and visit your dentist regularly.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the main cause of dental cavities?
Answer- Dental cavities are usually caused by acids and bacteria that help form plaque. The plaque then sticks to the teeth and damages the enamel which protects the teeth causing cavities.
2. What causes cavities naturally?
Answer- Cavities can be caused naturally by plaque buildup, eating lots of sugar, and poor oral hygiene. However, cavities can be treated, and new ones can be prevented with preventive care.
3. Why do I get cavities so easily?
Answer- You can get cavities due to many lifestyle factors such as poor diet, having sugar, not brushing regularly, not drinking enough water, smoking and ageing.
4. What causes tooth decay?
Answer- Tooth decay is caused by the bacteria in your mouth which produces acids that attack the enamel.
5. What causes cavities in teeth?
Answer- Cavities in teeth are caused by several factors such as bacteria and plaque, food and drink, medication and diseases.
6. Why do I have cavities?
Answer- You have cavities because of poor oral hygiene, poor diet and underlying health issues.