Your Toothpaste S**ks - A Must Read

in Feb 4, 2023



Are you wondering why the subject line is a little derogatory? We aren’t trying to hurt your feelings but rather trying to make you aware. Well, there are reasons for it. Very strong reasons led us to write this letter to our community.  Over the last 18 odd months, since we launched Perfora, without a doubt a lot of consumers have loved our Electric Toothbrush, appreciated our content, fallen in love with our understanding of design, and so on.  We have received so much love that every single day, we receive heartwarming messages on Instagram, Whatsapp, LinkedIn, Emails, and Website Reviews from so many of our customers. On some days, it truly feels overwhelming and we must be doing something right.

However, there are days when we also hear comments from peers in the industry that our brand is very weak and it isn't really a brand as of now. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of establishing ourselves. As a founder who is building this brand day in & out, my first reaction is what the other person is saying. Like really? Does this other person even understand what a brand is? After a few hours have passed, I start thinking more deeply and absorbing the comments of this other person and start realizing maybe this person is correct. Maybe, our brand isn't really a brand and we need to do a lot of work.

Are you thinking about where this newsletter is going? It started on a different note altogether about Toothpaste not being good and now we are talking about all things brand. 

I'm sorry for digressing and distracting you a little bit but I wanted to share my unfiltered thoughts and set some context on what challenges we are facing. 

One thing that I have realized by engaging with our customers is that in their eyes, we are a "Smart Electric Toothbrush" brand. Most people don't perceive Perfora as a holistic oral care brand that will improve their oral hygiene.

Technically, there is nothing wrong in perceiving our brand as an Electric Toothbrush brand though the disconnect here is that from day zero, we had the vision of becoming a holistic oral wellness brand.

With the objective of realizing our vision, we were very clear that we will have to make a lot of consumers try our products, and considering the penetration of Toothpaste is the highest in our country (compared with oral care product categories), we will have to win in toothpaste. I mean, every person who has heard of Perfora, has to have tried our toothpaste. This task is uphill because we want the consumers to switch from their existing toothpaste (a product they have used for ages) to try, trust, and like a new toothpaste from a young brand.

When we started working on our first toothpaste variant, we knew we had to get a lot of things right - taste, texture, foaming, flavor, mouthfeel, price, etc. On top of that, we wanted to create a Toothpaste that contained only clean ingredients i.e. no harmful stuff, and delivered a wow experience. With this approach, we probably made our lives harder however we were determined to create something phenomenal. 

Now coming back to -  Why your toothpaste s**ks? Honestly, most mass-market i.e. big brand toothpaste is made up of such toxic ingredients. There is Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (a foaming agent used in laundry detergents and most probably not found in your face wash or shampoo), Titanium Dioxide (an ingredient that is banned as a food additive), Sodium Saccharin (an artificial sweetener that might result in diabetes). 

As consumers, if all of us were made aware that our toothpaste contains toxic ingredients that we are ingesting every time we brush, would we still use the same toothpaste? Well, in my head, the answer is I would never use the same toxic ingredient toothpaste and I would read the label of my toothpaste before consuming again. 

I believe that most of us aren’t aware that our toothpaste contains such bad ingredients and hence have continued to use the existing big brand toothpaste. 

Recently, when I was digging deeper into our data, I realized of the x number of people who have bought any product from our website, only 30% of those customers have tried out the toothpaste. Earlier, some people would say that our toothpaste is quite expensive compared to what they have been using for years and we did hear all that feedback. 

With the launch of our Dream Toothpaste collection, we have made high-quality, delicious, and toxin-free toothpaste quite affordable. Like seriously affordable toothpaste compared to other larger toothpaste brands. 

And personally, I want to see this number of 0.3x i.e. 30% of our existing customers who have tried our toothpaste be more than 80%. 

I really want all of you and your families to experience Perfora Toothpaste, and really take care of your oral hygiene. 

Today, we’re offering an exclusive discount only to the readers of our newsletters on our Toothpaste range. In simple words, if you order a pack of 4 toothpaste of any variant or an assorted pack, you will get a FLAT 40% discount on the toothpaste.

BUY 4 toothpaste and get a flat 40% discount. This offer is only applicable if you order 4 toothpaste units i.e. for your entire family because we want you and your family to be Perfora toothpaste users.

Please use the code: FLAT40 and click on any of the below-mentioned links to try our toothpaste. Don’t miss out on applying the code and it is valid only for the next 48 hours.

Assorted Dream Toothpaste Pack of 4: If you want to experience a medley of different variants, try this pack out.

Dream White Toothpaste Pack of 3: If you are looking forward to whiter teeth, this one is for you.

Dream Protect Toothpaste Pack of 3: If you are tired of seeing blood in your gums, this toothpaste will make your gums blood free.

Dream Relief Toothpaste Pack of 3: If you dread the pain when indulging in something hot or cold, here is the solution for you.

Dream Sweet Toothpaste Pack of 3: If you are really conscious of your sugar intake and are prone to diabetes, this toothpaste will be your best friend. 

Awake Toothpaste Pack of 4: If you want to start your day on a citrus note and fight off all cavities, this is a must-try. 

Unwind Toothpaste Pack of 4: A unique flavor profile for people who love to experiment with flavors. Delicious lavender rose.

Awake & Unwind Toothpaste Pack of 4: The combination of awake & unwind that solves your morning and night-time brushing and makes it exciting.

If you try any of our toothpaste, and if you have any feedback for us, please feel free to write directly to me and share your feedback. We will definitely improve and we have a long way to go :)

Thank you for giving me your precious time and for reading this email.


