How to Remove Stains from Teeth: Your Comprehensive Guide

in Jan 15, 2024


A shining smile can light up a room, but stained teeth can make us hesitant to share our smiles with the world. Whether it's due to the foods we eat, the beverages we consume, smoking, or neglecting our oral hygiene, teeth stains are a common issue. In this comprehensive guide, we'll discuss the causes of teeth stains, the different types, and most importantly, how to remove them effectively.

Key Takeaways

  • Teeth stains can be caused by consuming staining foods and drinks, smoking, and poor oral hygiene.
  • There are two main types of teeth stains: extrinsic (on the surface) and intrinsic (within the tooth's structure).
  • Teeth stains can be removed through teeth whitening products, professional cleanings, and home remedies like baking soda and oil pulling.
  • Prevent teeth stains by practicing good oral hygiene, rinsing after consuming staining substances, using a straw when drinking dark-colored beverages, and quitting smoking.

Causes of Teeth Stains

Food and Drinks

  • The culprits: Coffee, tea, red wine, and foods with intense colors like berries, curries, and tomato sauce.

Assortment of teeth-staining items: coffee, red wine, tea, cola, and dark berries.

  • The problem: These substances contain pigments that can stick to the enamel, leading to surface stains.
  • Prevention: Rinse your mouth or brush your teeth shortly after consuming staining foods or drinks.


  • The culprit: Tar and nicotine in tobacco can lead to stubborn brown and yellow stains.
  • The problem: These substances can penetrate the enamel and cause intrinsic stains.
  • Prevention: Quit smoking to prevent further staining and improve your overall oral health. Check out our blog on how to remove tobacco stains from teeth to learn more about it.

 Poor Oral Hygiene

  • The culprit: Neglecting proper dental care can result in plaque buildup, leading to yellowish stains.
  • The problem: Plaque, when left untreated, can harden into tartar and contribute to teeth discoloration.
  • Prevention: Maintain a strict oral hygiene routine, including regular brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings.


Types of Teeth Stains

There are typically two types of teeth discoloration, namely extrinsic stains and intrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains usually appear on the surface of the teeth, while intrinsic stains are located within the tooth itself. located on the surface of the teeth and may be caused by consuming certain foods or beverages, smoking, or poor dental hygiene. Intrinsic stains, on the other hand, are located inside the tooth & can be caused by aging, trauma, or certain medications.


Extrinsic Stains

  • Location: Extrinsic stains are on the surface of the teeth.
  • Causes: These stains are often caused by foods, drinks, and smoking.
  • Removal: Extrinsic stains are generally easier to remove and can often be addressed with teeth whitening products and professional cleanings.

Intrinsic Stains

  • Location: Intrinsic stains occur within the tooth's structure.
  • Causes: Smoking, trauma, medications, or excessive fluoride exposure can cause intrinsic stains.
  • Removal: Intrinsic stains may require more advanced treatments, such as professional teeth whitening or veneers.

How to Remove Stains from Teeth

Now that we've identified the causes and types of teeth stains, let's explore how to effectively remove them.


Teeth Whitening

  • Over-the-counter whitening products: These include whitening toothpaste, strips, and gels. While they may improve the appearance of surface stains, they may not address deeper intrinsic stains.
  • Professional teeth whitening: Dentists can perform in-office teeth whitening treatments that use stronger bleaching agents, providing more dramatic results.

Dental Cleanings

  • Regular dental cleanings: Professional cleanings at your dentist's office can help remove surface stains and tartar buildup, enhancing the whiteness of your teeth.

Home Remedies

  • A natural way to make a teeth whitening paste is by mixing baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. However, use this remedy sparingly to avoid damaging your enamel.
  • Oil pulling: Oil pulling involves swishing coconut oil in your mouth for a few minutes. This can be helpful in removing some surface stains and improving your oral health.

Prevention Tips

Prevention is key to maintaining a bright smile. Here are some tips to help you avoid teeth stains:

1. Practice Good Oral Hygiene

  • It is recommended that you brush your teeth two times a day.
  • Use fluoride-free toothpaste and a soft-bristle brush.
  • It's important to floss your teeth every day to get rid of the plaque that accumulates between them.

2. Rinse After Staining Foods or Drinks

  • Rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash after consuming staining substances.

3. Use a Straw

  • When drinking coffee, tea, or dark-colored beverages, use a straw to minimize contact with your teeth.

4. Quit Smoking

  • Quitting smoking not only improves your overall health but also prevents further teeth staining.

 Smiling man holding a 'no smoking' sign over cigarettes, symbolizing quitting.

Maintaining Results

After successfully removing teeth stains, it's essential to maintain the results. Here's how:

Follow Good Oral Hygiene Practices

  • Continue brushing and flossing regularly to prevent new stains from forming.

Avoid Staining Substances

  • Limit the consumption of staining foods and drinks.
  • If you can't resist, rinse your mouth afterward or use a straw.

Schedule Regular Dental Check-ups

  • Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings to ensure your teeth stay stain-free.



Achieving a brighter, stain-free smile is attainable by understanding the causes and types of teeth stains and following the appropriate removal methods. By implementing good oral hygiene practices you can enjoy a bright shining smile that radiates confidence and health. Remember, maintaining your oral health is an ongoing commitment that pays off in the long run. So, take care of your teeth, and let your smile shine!

Also, now that you know how to get rid of stains on teeth, you must head over to our blog on dental plaque to learn more about what is plaque & how it is formed.


Frequently Asked Questions on Removal of Stains From Teeth

Here are some of the common questions that you may have after reading this article:

  1. How can I remove brown stains from my teeth?

Brown stains can be stubborn. Consider professional teeth whitening for effective removal. Regular dental cleanings and maintaining good oral hygiene will also help prevent and reduce brown stains.

  1. Can black stains on teeth be removed?

Yes, black stains can be removed. Professional dental treatments, like teeth whitening or veneers, are often needed for effective removal. Consult your dentist for the best approach.

  1. What is the best stain remover for teeth?

The best stain remover depends on the type and severity of stains. When it comes to teeth whitening, the option that is generally considered the most effective is having a professional dentist carry out the procedure. Over-the-counter whitening products can help with mild surface stains.

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