What toothpaste to buy next in India?

in Jun 1, 2022

Even knowing the number of options available when you are buying toothpaste can be a hassle. Forget about choosing the right one. It is a necessary part of oral hygiene, and it's important to know what works best for your mouth. The selection of an appropriate toothpaste depends upon your specific needs and the toothpaste's ingredients. "When you’re shopping for toothpaste, you want to make sure that you are looking for ingredients that make you healthier." -Erinne Kennedy, DMD. If you also face the problem of choosing the right toothpaste, then we have found some options for your next toothpaste shopping! Basic ingredients of toothpastes in India There are many kinds of toothpaste available in the Indian market, most in the form of gel, paste or powder. Despite the fact that there are many different types of toothpaste on the market, most of them share the same basic formula.

Some of them are:

Abrasives: Debris, plaque, biofilms, and stains are removed from the teeth's surface using starchy components such as calcium carbonate and silicates. Powder and some whitening toothpastes have a higher proportion of abrasives.

Flavoring: To improve the taste, flavoring ingredients such as artificial sweeteners, mint, lemon, or even bubblegum for kids are added.

Humectants: These can be found in paste and gel forms. Glycerol and other humectants are used to keep toothpaste from drying out.

Thickeners: To maintain the texture of toothpaste and gels, gums or gooey bits of seaweed are added as thickening agents.

Perfora Toothpastes in India

1. Awake- Lemon Mint Toothpaste – Rs. 349

The Lemon Mint Toothpaste is a revitalising blend of peppermint, spearmint, and lemon essential oils mixed with remineralising Nano Hydroxyapatite (n-Ha) and enriched with Vitamins C and E. This morning toothpaste cleans the teeth effectively, protects them from cavities, and provides a burst of freshness immediately at the start of the day! This morning toothpaste is beneficial in:

1. Easing active freshness

2. Protecting your teeth from Cavities

3. Improving your gum health

4. Effectively cleaning your teeth

It is made with safe ingredients that are safe to clean, protect and caress your teeth. We have replaced fluoride with a gold standard component called Nano Hydroxyapatite (n-Ha) which is a form of calcium crystal and is used in oral health products known to treat tooth decay by remineralising and rebuilding teeth.

2. Unwind - Lavender Rose Toothpaste

Also called the evening toothpaste, it’s a calming toothpaste designed with chamomile, strawberry, and cinnamon extracts, as well as remineralising Nano Hydroxyapatite (n-Ha) and sodium bicarbonate. Evening toothpaste aids in the proper whitening of teeth. It’s beneficial in:

1. Whitening your teeth

2. Protecting your teeth from Cavities Made with real & effective ingredients

3. It has no artificial colours or flavours. It is an ayurvedic product that leaves you with a fresh breath.

4. It contains no bleach or harsh chemicals and is preservative and sugar-free.

Using both these toothpaste daily will help you to ensure a perfect day and night oral care routine. While the peppermint and spearmint will give you a burst of freshness in the morning, the soothing effect of chamomile and strawberry will effectively whiten your teeth.

Whitening Toothpaste in India

Many whitening toothpastes are now being promoted for everyday use to aid consumers in their quest for pearly whites. Bleach is very rare in whitening toothpastes these days. They instead include abrasive particles or chemicals that effectively polish the teeth or bond to stains and help in their removal from the tooth surface. Although you may be concerned that whitening toothpaste's toughness would harm your teeth, research shows that whitening toothpaste is no more abrasive on tooth enamel than other forms of toothpaste. The toothpaste by Perfora is completely made up of natural ingredients that won’t harm your teeth and would make them stronger and whiter.

Tips for choosing toothpaste in India

Here are some suggestions to consider while selecting the finest toothpaste for your family's dental needs:

1. Go for ADA approval. Choose toothpaste that has acquired the ADA mark of approval for whatever your needs are. An independent review board of scientific specialists has reviewed the safety and effectiveness of toothpaste that have gained this distinction.

2. Be on the lookout for imposters. Diethylene glycol, a hazardous chemical, was discovered in several kinds of toothpaste imported from China in 2007. The FDA is strictly against buying toothpaste that is “Manufactured in China.”

3. Take into account your own and your family's requirements. The best toothpaste is a question of personal preference and decision, as long as you choose toothpaste based on its ingredients. If you're seriously looking out to live a healthy oral lifestyle then go for ADA-approved toothpaste or toothpaste made of natural ingredients like Perfora Unwind Lavender rose toothpaste or Awake Lemon Mint Toothpaste. These toothpastes are naturally flavoured and are best to encourage your kids to brush daily.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Which is the No 1 toothpaste in India?

Awake Lemon-Mint Toothpaste is the no.1 toothpaste in India. It will make your morning fresh and remineraliSe your teeth.

2. Which toothpaste is better for teeth?

The ones that are made from alcohol-free material, certified by ADA, vegan and which have no artificial colours are better for teeth, like the Awake & Unwind toothpaste from Perfora.

3. What is the safest toothpaste to use?

All our kinds of toothpaste are made from cruelty-free, chemical-free, and non-alcoholic material which makes them the safest to use.

4. How long does a tube of toothpaste last?

Brushing your teeth twice a day, for at least two minutes each brush, is recommended by the ADA for optimal oral health. A 3.4oz tube of toothpaste should last you roughly 40 days, or 80 uses, at this pace.

5. Which toothpaste is best for yellow teeth?

Unwind- Lavender Rose toothpaste also called the evening toothpaste is the best toothpaste for your yellow teeth in India.

6. Can yellow teeth turn white again?

Yes, professional whitening procedures and maintaining regular oral hygiene with Perfora toothpaste can quickly remove most stains from the teeth.

7. Why won't my teeth whiten?

Your teeth whitening effects may not be as good as you'd want if your teeth have too much plaque on their surfaces.

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