How I Embraced my "Introvertness"

in Jun 13, 2024

Hello, Introverts!

A comfy bed, a chilled room, comfort food, and Netflix—this is the ideal dreamland for any introvert out there, including me. Hi, I’m Kaanya, the social media and content manager at Perfora.

I know, I know. It may sound absurd, but it was just as surprising for me to accept that an awkward introvert like myself would want to step into the world of social media and branding.

You know, growing up as a fat kid, my biggest wish was to be invisible, away from all the mean comments and teasing. So, I lost the extra weight, but guess what? The fat kid inside you never dies & contrary to my belief, I still wanted to be invisible because those “judgy remarks” in your mind never stop.

It was only when I decided to shut them out and keep going that I started actually living life and putting myself out there! Since then, I’ve worked in branding and strategy and managed social media for some of the biggest Indian brands out there (including Perfora ;) ).

Social media—it’s a weirdly comfortable place, you know? You can connect with millions of people without actually stepping out of your bed, hehe. From strategizing product launches to content ideation to being part of 100+ videos, I’ve realized there is always a community that supports you. Just like our 103K-strong community on Instagram.

I love how our followers are real, vulnerable, amicable, supportive, and honest. One of the followers told us how she can only brush with the Unwind toothpaste because the lavender-rose flavour calms her down during her low-mellow days. And our supportive followers, who love our wacky ideas and say, “The marketing team needs a raise”—we owe you an appraisal party, haha!

I read somewhere that introverts often fear being judged or making mistakes publicly. But building a community has made me realize it’s all okay! You know, the content we put out doesn’t always work. Recently, we did a series on Zodiac signs, resembling each sign with our product defining their characteristics.

We thought this would resonate on IG, given how Gen Z is obsessed with astrology. But it didn’t. Rather, it was the worst-performing post in the past three months. I was extremely disappointed and embarrassed.

But soon after, we did an amazing event for Laughter Day, which turned out to be a huge success and its content is going viral! This made me realize that whether success or failure, both are temporary. Just enjoy the success or learn from the failure & move on!


In a world where people will support you, there will also be those who try to put you down. For us at Perfora, for instance, it’s the “fake, fake, fake” comments or “useless product” remarks that keep us humble. And then some people help us improve, like Shelly from Delhi, who kindly pointed out a spelling mistake in our recent post. Thank you, Shelly!

It’s time we introverts use our strengths to our advantage! With all the abundant time we spend with ourselves, we know who we are and what we stand for. So, the fear of being judged shouldn’t be a problem. To my fellow introvert followers, this is a virtual hug to you all! And remember, your introversion is your armour — embrace it!

To our 103K family on Instagram, most of you are super kind, supportive, and lovely! We’d love to know you more. Keep saying “Hi” on our Instagram posts! Here’s to growing together!

P.S. - If you still don't follow us on IG, you're seriously missing out!
