My Big Switch!

in Oct 5, 2022


Hope you’re having a lovely Sunday, and looking forward to the upcoming week.

I am Mridu, the Customer Experience Expert at Perfora.

This letter isn’t about Perfora or the new product(s) that we recently launched or what we are doing as a brand. This letter is about me and how I made a very big switch in my career.

It’s worth reading :)

To be candid with you, I am someone who resists change. Yes, you read it right! But isn’t change the only constant? It definitely is but I am someone who’d breakdown at the smallest inconvenience that comes to me in form of change. And here I am sharing the biggest plunge that I took in life – My Career Switch.

Yep! I was an Advocate enrolled with the Bar Council of Delhi. I have dedicated 3 years of studying law post my graduation in Commerce and a year and a half of professional experience in the legal field.

Are you wondering how a girl who hates changes, made the most crucial decision of her life?

I jumped into working as soon as my bar enrolment was complete. I was directly pulled into the world of litigation and before I realized what I had gotten into, I was running up and down in courts, both district and High Court of Delhi. I was waiting for cases all day long and it hardly gave me any exposure or any sort of confidence because the Advocate I was working under was a one-man army and he ran the whole show single handily.

In India, the legal work setup is mainly hereditary and hierarchy driven, so I had nobody to speak to, and there wasn’t any sort of feedback on my work - no goals, no direction, no planning. Just running in and out of courts.

I had my colleagues who saw how much I was hating this work and noticed how miserable I was at what I did. Over a period of time, I developed a lot of anxiety with respect to the work, and I was worried regarding my future in this field and gradually I started shying away from conversations with people, be it my friends, my family, or my colleagues; I was just bottling all of this up till it all blew in my face and took a toll on my health. I started falling sick too often, had no energy to drag myself to work, and was too demotivated to add any value in my work.

I’m in the center, 5th from the left. I might look happy in this picture but that’s only for the picture.

I would have a gulp in my throat followed by a burst of tears, almost every day! Was this healthy? Nope, and I didn’t even know what I was going to do about it.

I was too stressed and worked up in life that on a Sunday night when a friend from school days called me after about 3 months to check on me, I broke down and she was the first person I revealed to, that I was planning to make a switch of career. She heard me out and told me that she’ll try to help me figure something out and sent me a few job openings. I started actively looking for work in other fields. The world that we live in moves too fast without us even realizing it. All my friends who had graduated along had a career set for themselves and here I was intimidated, questioning my life’s decisions.

Then finally after about two months of struggle and stress, finally, Perfora happened! And I cannot thank the people involved in this evolution, enough. 

I am ecstatic that I took the plunge and landed up here, where I finally realize my potential and capabilities. I never knew I was good at talking to people or problem-solving. I was someone who never answered unknown numbered calls and today I am that person who makes those calls :P

 That is the happy me after joining Perfora

A few days ago, I spoke to my colleague from my first job as she was flying to London to pursue her master in law and she instantly told me, Mridu, you have this different confidence and a happy ring to your voice and that is when I realized, I actually was in a happy, healthy and holistic place!

When and how do you realize, you’re in the right place? For me, it’s when you don’t realize where the work hours pass by. That is Perfora for me! My happy place and my fam!

So, if you guys also feel it’s too late to make the switch in life and start afresh, well, think again. Nothing is impossible :)

BTW, not only do I love working at Perfora but I’m in love with the extremely well-designed and efficacious products. Veri Peri Lavender Toothbrush gives a perfect start to my day with a burst of freshness from Awake Toothpaste