The power of compounding!

in Oct 5, 2022


Hope you are doing well!

To start with, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for so much love for our last letter. The last letter that we wrote was indeed special and your responses filled with warmth made that letter memorable. You guys are the BEST. 

Today’s letter is going to be very short. Yes, I know that sounds unusual coming from us but let’s see if we can stick to it.

Over the last few weeks, I have realized the power of brand compounding. I haven’t invested a lot of my savings into stock or MF or other financial instruments and this is one of the reasons why I have been slightly elusive to the concept of compounding. 

However, recently, I have first-hand experienced how as a brand, we are creating a strong recall in the consumers' minds. 

A few instances that took place made us really happy and we felt validated for the work that we have been doing for the last 13+ months. 

Hello in a Hotel: Tushar and I were recently in Bombay for a work trip and we were staying in a hotel. On the very first day as we were having our meal, someone walked up to us and asked - “Hey, I have seen you before. What do you do?And we were like do you put up in Gurugram / Delhi and he said no. He lives in Goa. We told him we are building a different kind of brand that makes oral care exciting and it is called Perfora. That is when he said, yes, the good-looking electric toothbrush that you guys sell and he realized he had seen us on our brand’s Instagram page. The guy who met us runs a co-living + co-working brand called Nomadgoa. Please take a look 

Flying High: Over the last 30 days, we have been traveling to some extent due to work and some personal commitments and when I was on the flight from Bangalore to Delhi, a friend of mine, (sitting next to me) was discussing the challenges we face in building our respective brands and what the journey ahead looks like. A few minutes into the conversation, the person sitting on the right, asked if both of us are building our respective companies and we said, YES. Post that, I told him I’m building a functional oral care brand named Perfora and he said, “my entire family is an ardent user of Perfora products. Personally, he loves our Smart Toothbrush and the Toothpaste. It felt so good for someone who is so young (in his early 20s) to be serious about oral hygiene and investing in it. Just for reference, his favorite toothbrush color is Ocean Blue.

The Evening Schedule: To stay relatively fit, I started playing badminton a few months ago and on most days, I end up playing with a bunch of strangers. Earlier this week, I was playing with someone I had played with before as well, and post our game, we had a chat on what we do as professionals. The guy works in a consulting role with Deloitte US and I talked about Perfora and how we are trying to make people smile better and more confidently. And the moment I said the brand is called Perfora, his eyes were filled with excitement and he said “bro. I’m a Perfora user. I use the teeth whitening products as it really helps in avoiding stains from cigarettes and black coffee”. After a long and tiring day, this conversation put a bright smile on my face. 

Important Feedback: We were out for a meeting in Delhi at a coffee shop and were discussing Perfora - our journey, and what the road ahead looks like. As the meeting came to an end, we stepped out and were waiting for the cab. At that moment, a person, roughly about ~64 years of age walked up to me and asked - “Hey, I overheard your conversation in the coffee shop. Are you a part of Perfora?” I said, yes. I am one of the people who started the company. He shared how we got introduced to our brand and how he was loving and embraced the new brushing experience. However, he shared that considering he is in his 60s and not that comfortable with placing repeat orders online if there was a way that we could make the order placing process simpler i.e. without having to visit the website and via WhatsApp. Well, we will be very soon rolling out this feature. 

These are some of the instances that we have personally encountered in the last ~45 days or so and it strengthens our belief that our brand is reaching the right target audience and our products are being used across age groups and geographies. 

A few quick updates -

No More Sensitive Teeth Ever: Today is an important day for us as we launch an innovative product that we have been working on for the last 5+ months so that all of us can enjoy hot and cold foods with ease and without any trouble. Introducing India’s first Sensitivity Relief Teeth Powder, formulated with active ingredients like Potassium Nitrate, Nano Hydroxyapatite, and powerful natural extracts like Clove, Turmeric, Aloe Vera, etc. Believe me, with this product, you will experience instant relief from teeth sensitivity with no toxic or artificial ingredients. Good for your teeth, good for your health and so good that you can enjoy that hot soup or chilled ice cream without any concerns.